Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours

The objectives of the honours program in Business Administration are to develop outstanding and independent achievement, to enrich the educational program in breadth and depth beyond the normal program, and to encourage a student to work to maximum potential so as to increase his/her opportunities for graduate work and for challenging positions in business, industry, and civil service. Students interested in learning more about the honours program should contact Jonathan Campbell or Leanna McDonald.

Program Requirements

45 hours - Required business courses for all BBA majors
  • BUSI 1013 Financial Accounting 1
  • BUSI 1703 Introduction to Business
  • BUSI 2803 Business Technology Management
  • BUSI 2013 Management Accounting
  • BUSI 2223 Fundamentals of Finance 1
  • BUSI 2233 Fundamentals of Finance 2
  • BUSI 2423 Marketing Principles
  • BUSI 2433 Marketing Strategy
  • BUSI 2513 Operations Management
  • BUSI 2733 Organizational Behaviour 1
  • BUSI 2743 Organizational Theory
  • BUSI 3063 Business Analytics Modelling
  • BUSI 3613 Business Law
  • BUSI 4953 Busi & Corporate Strategy
  • BUSI 4963 Strategic Issues in Busi
15 hours - Required non-business courses for all BBA majors
  • ECON 1013 Microeconomic Principles
  • ECON 1023 Intro to the Study of Macroeconomics
  • ECON 2613 Empirical Analysis in Econ & Busi
  • COMM 1213 Communication 1
  • MATH 1613 Gen Linear Algebra Calc:Busi/Econ
  • NOTE: MATH 1013 may be taken instead of MATH 1613
6 hours - Required business courses
  • BUSI 3483 Advanced Business Research
  • BUSI 3993 Honours Seminar
6 hours - Business electives chosen from the following
  • BUSI 4886 Honours Applied Research Project
  • BUSI 4996 Honours Thesis
3 hours - Business electives

Students select 3 hours of business electives

30 hours - Non-business electives

Students select 30 hours of non-business electives

15 hours - University electives (business or non-business courses)

Students select 15 hours of business or non-business electives

Q&A Session With Some of Our Honours Students