BBA with Major in Accounting

Corey Cadeau, Associate at PwC
Manning Alumnus, Class of '17
BBA students have the option to complete a major in the functional discipline of accounting. This major would be of particular interest to students wishing to pursue a professional accounting designation after receiving their business degree. NOTE: Students who wish to choose a major would normally declare their major during their second year.
Program Requirements
45 hours - Required business courses for all BBA majors
- BUSI 1013 Financial Accounting 1
- BUSI 1703 Introduction to Business
- BUSI 2803 Business Technology Management
- BUSI 2013 Management Accounting
- BUSI 2223 Fundamentals of Finance 1
- BUSI 2233 Fundamentals of Finance 2
- BUSI 2423 Marketing Principles
- BUSI 2433 Marketing Strategy
- BUSI 2513 Operations Management
- BUSI 2733 Organizational Behaviour 1
- BUSI 2743 Organizational Theory
- BUSI 3063 Business Analytics Modelling
- BUSI 3613 Business Law
- BUSI 4953 Busi & Corporate Strategy
- BUSI 4963 Strategic Issues in Busi
15 Hours - Required non-business courses for all BBA majors
- ECON 1013 Microeconomic Principles
- ECON 1023 Intro to the Study of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2613 Empirical Analysis in Econ & Busi
- COMM 1213 Communication 1
- MATH 1613 Gen Linear Algebra Calc:Busi/Econ
- NOTE: MATH 1013 may be taken instead of MATH 1613
9 hours - Required Accounting Courses
- BUSI 2033 Financial Accounting 2
- BUSI 3073 Intermediate Accounting 1
- BUSI 3083 Intermediate Accounting 2
- It is strongly recommended that BUSI 2033 be completed before the end of the second year in the program, and that BUSI 3073 and BUSI 3083 be completed before the end of the third year.
15 hours - Required accounting & related courses chosen from the following
- BUSI 3113 Cost Systems
- BUSI 3373 Personal Income Tax
- BUSI 3383 Taxation For Corporations
- BUSI 3623 Business Law 2
- BUSI 4073 Advanced Accounting 1
- BUSI 4083 Advanced Accounting 2
- BUSI 4113 Auditing
24 Hours - Non-business electives
Students select 24 hours of non-business electives
12 hours - University Electives (Business or Non-business Courses)
Students select 12 hours of business or non-business electives