Frequently Asked Questions
What courses do I need to register for in the first year?
First-year students will themselves register, or will be registered, in seven required courses, four in the first semester, three in the second. Because the usual course load is 5/5, you will need to register for three non-business electives: one in the first semester, two in the second:
Fall Semester 01 BUSI 1013 |
Winter Semester 01 COMM 1213 |
What non-business electives should I register for?
Take the time to explore the timetable as posted under course catalog on the myAcadia site: Acadia University - myAcadia
Look through over 50 subjects on the course catalog, restricting your search to active and 1000-level courses that do not require prerequisites. You are sure to find something that interests you. And that is the point: Electives are supposed to represent your interest.
The following list will change from year to year, but here are a few non-business electives that are popular with BBA students:
CHEM 1053, COMM 1223, COMP 1813, GEOL 1023, GEOL 1033, KINE 1993, NUTR 1503, PHYS 1513, PHYS 1523, POLS 1303, POLS 1403, PSYC 1013, PSYC 1023, SOCI 1033, SOCI 1113
This is not a definitive list. For example, there are no language courses. But if you are good in languages, you might want to investigate an ENGL, FRAN, GERM, or SPAN course. To read thumbnail descriptions of each course, enter the course name and number (e.g., CHEM 1053) into the search box on the course catalog page.
What is a common strategy for first-year registration?
Many students will register for the first and second part of a course (e.g., French I and II, Psychology I and II, Computer I and II, etc.). These courses account for two of three electives, leaving only a standalone elective in the second semester. A standalone elective is one that does not require a prerequisite.
Can I take BUSI 2033 as my elective in the second semester?
Yes. Busi 2033 Financial Accounting 2 is the only business elective permitted in the first year. Students will already have the prerequisite for 2033 if they take 1013 in the first semester. In fact, those who wish to major in accounting should take BUSI 2033 in the second semester.
Should I take non-business electives that relate directly to business?
Psychology I and II, for example, have obvious application to marketing and human resources and some
students will take them for that reason. Likewise with Economic courses, which some will take as nonbusiness electives because they relate directly to business. But non-business electives need not have any direct relation to business.
Are there certain electives that I should avoid?
Do NOT take BUSI 1053 INTRO GENERAL ACCT & FINANCE. This course is for non-business students and is a non-credit course for BBA students. Of the great selection of courses on the timetable, there is hardly a course that you could take that would be detrimental to your BBA program. Make sure that
they satisfy your intellectual curiosity, regardless of whether they relate directly back to business. But keep in mind that even some 1000-level courses demand reading and essay writing. If this places too much of a strain on your first year, take those courses in your later years. And remember that you want 3.00-hour courses. Some music and recreation courses are 1.5 hours.
What if the elective that I want to take is full?
If you find a course that you’re interested and it’s full, add yourself to the course’s wait list. In the meantime, choose another elective to complete your schedule.
Should I register for only one semester or for the entire year?
You should register for the entire year—fall and winter semesters. To wait until you complete the fall semester before you register for the winter will mean that you may be locked out of second semester classes. It is prudent to register for your full-year schedule as soon as possible because courses fill up.
I found a course in the University Calendar that I would like to take, but it’s not on the timetable. Why
The university calendar contains all the courses that the university is able to teach. But to view and register in the courses that are actually being offered in any given year, which is only a portion of the overall group, you must select from the current timetable, or “active” courses on the course catalog.
Do I declare a major in the first year?
No. You declare your major at the end of the second year. You complete your major requirements in years three and four. None of the majors are structured to provide all the required courses outside of a two-year cycle. In other words, do not expect to complete the elective major requirements in one year. If you are already interested in a major, acquaint yourself with its required courses: Accounting - Business (
Remember that you may also take a BBA degree without a major.