Scholarships and Bursaries for Manning Students
There are a large number of scholarships and bursaries available to students in the Manning School of Business. Students are strongly encouraged to peruse the following list and apply. For general information on financial assistance for Acadia students, go here.
There are different types of scholarships/awards for which you may be eligible:
Standard In-House Scholarships
These scholarships are adjudicated by a committee of business faculty and are awarded by the Manning School. Applicants must meet a minimum 3.50 GPA threshold to apply for scholarships.
The Florence Jodrey Bishop Scholarship in Business (approximate value: $4600)
Awarded annually to an entering or returning student in the Bachelor of Business Administration program on recommendation of the Director of the School of Business. This scholarship is made possible through a bequest from the late Florence M. Bishop (B.A. Acadia '34) of Hantsport, Nova Scotia.
Peter M. Cleveland Scholarship (approximate value: $1000)
Established in 2019 by Peter M. Cleveland (’72), this award is granted annually to outstanding upper-level students enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Demonstrating excellent leadership potential through on-campus and/or off-campus volunteer and community service activities, applicants must also be Canadian citizens or permanent residents and have a grade average greater than 75%. Successful recipients will be chosen through an application process to the F.C. Manning School of Business which outlines the student’s values and “all-round” characteristics.
The Dominion Trust Scholarship in Business (Finance) approximate value: ($800)
Established in 1989 and is annually awarded to an exceptional third- or fourth-year BBA student who has acquired an aptitude for, and developed a keen interest in, finance.
The Sheldon and Marjorie Fountain Scholarships (approximate value: $4750)
Awarded annually to students registered in the Bachelor of Business Administration program who have been residents of the Atlantic provinces for a minimum of ten years. Scholars are selected on the basis of academic performance with a preference for students with demonstrated financial need. The scholarships may be renewed at the discretion of the Scholarships, Prizes and Awards Committee. These scholarships are made possible though a gift from Sheldon (BA, Acadia, ‘39, DCL, Acadia, ‘99) and Marjorie Fountain (DCT, Acadia ‘99) of Halifax, Nova Scotia.
The John Hugh Robinson Scholarship (approximate value: $2000)
Awarded annually to a third-year student in the Bachelor of Business Administration program with a GPA of 3.0 or better. The recipient will have a passion for life and possess an outstanding entrepreneurial spirit, demonstrated through a strong interest in small business management, sustainable business development and a sense of adventure. The student will take pride in and have made outstanding contributions to his/her local and Acadia communities and demonstrate a commitment to life-long learning.
The Winston Steeves Memorial Scholarship in Business (approximate value: two scholarships @ $2500 apiece)
Awarded each year to a final year honours student in the School of Business Administration. The scholarship may be made available in the summer prior to the final honours year for thesis research purposes. The funds are provided from the Estate of Dr. Steeves and by his family. Dr. Steeves served on Acadia's Board of Governors from 1963 to 1985 when he was appointed an Honorary Governor. In 1986 he received the degree of Doctor of Civil Law, honoris causa.
The Paul Tom Memorial Scholarship (approximate value: $1800)
Provided annually to an exceptional student completing the third or fourth year of the Business Administration program. Preference will be given to students completing the Bachelor of Business Administration with Computer Science. Paul Tom was a respected member of the School of Business Administration faculty from 1983 to 1993.
Promise Scholars ($3,000)
The Promise Scholars awards will be granted on an annual basis to students of Black or Indigenous descent in any year of study. The awards are made on the recommendation of the Director of the Fred C. Manning School of business and the school’s awards committee. Chosen recipients will be regarded as having a substantial impact on their peers, as evidenced through strong leadership qualities and good citizenship on campus and within the Acadia community at large.
The Allen Family Leadership in Business Award (Value: $5000)
Awarded annually to a returning student from Nova Scotia enrolled in the Manning School of Business Administration, the Allen Family Leadership in Business Award recognizes exceptional promise and future leadership in the business community. The successful recipient will demonstrate financial need and preference will be given to suitable candidates from Windsor, NS.
The award was established in 2021 through the generosity of Doug (’87) and Nadine Allen. Originally from Windsor, NS, Doug established himself as a business leader in Alberta after his time at Acadia. He completed his CPA CA designation in 1989 and his MBA at the University of Alberta in 2002. He held executive level positions with Syncrude Canada Ltd, the Guthrie Group of Companies and the Mikisew Group of Companies. He has served on the Board of Directors for several charities and non-profits. Nadine, from Halifax, started her career in banking. She recently celebrated a 30-year milestone as a financial advisor with Raymond James Ltd. where her dedication to clients and her leadership is acknowledged through membership in the firm’s Chairman Council and being honored in 2019 with the firm’s Woman of Distinction award.
The Norman K. Atkins Memorial Award (approximate value: $1800)
Provided annually to a third- or fourth-year full-time student pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. This individual will have demonstrated leadership and involvement in one or more extra-curricular activities, such as student government, varsity athletics and community volunteerism while maintaining solid academic performance. The recipient will be chosen on recommendation by the Scholarship and Awards Committee of the Fred C. Manning School of Business. This award has been established by family, friends and colleagues in memory of former Senator Norman K. Atkins (BA, 1957, DCL, 2000, Acadia) to recognize his many contributions to Acadia University as a student, varsity athlete, and loyal alumnus. He was a leading advertising executive, political strategist, charitable activist and avid sportsman who was appointed to the Senate in 1986 and served until his retirement in 2009.
John and Margaret Forbes Awards in Entrepreneurship (approximate value: Two awards @ $7500 apiece)
Established in 2018 by Margaret and Gerald Kazma through the Kazma Family Foundation in honour and memory of Margaret's brother John A. Forbes and wife Margaret (MacIsaac), this renewable award is granted to third-year students annually, one female and one male. Preferably from Nova Scotia, the recipients display entrepreneurial spirit, academic achievement and financial need.
Manning School of Business Director's Award ($1000)
Awarded to a returning full-time student in the Manning School in recognition of exceptional promise, aptitude, and emerging talent, with preference for students from the Maritimes and/or students specializing in Finance.
The Donald F. Reed Finance Award (approximate value: $5000)
Awarded annually to a student pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration degree. Preference will be given to those entering their third or fourth year of undergraduate study, majoring in Finance, who display financial need and leadership qualities, through involvement in extra-curricular and/or community activities. This Award was established and made available through the generosity of Donald F. Reed (BCO, Acadia, 1966, Acadia Board of Governor’s) who wished to provide a gift that would have a meaningful impact on the educational development of Acadia Business students in need. The award is made on recommendation of the Director of the Fred C. Manning School of Business and the school’s awards committee.
The Stevenson Family Award (approximate value: $2000)
Established in 2008 by Andrew Stevenson (BBA 1981) in honour of the Stevenson Family. To be awarded annually to a fourth-year student in the Bachelor of Business Administration program on recommendation of the Director of the School of Business with consultation from Faculty in the School. The recipient will have demonstrated entrepreneurship and will have expressed the intention and motivation to go into business.
WildBrain Awards (Approximate value: Two awards @ $1000 apiece)
Established in 2016 by DHX Media, two awards are granted annually to full-time undergraduate students enrolled in a Bachelor of Business Administration who have a demonstrated interest in the creative arts – music, visual art, theatre, dance, film or digital media. In recognition of academic success and with a preference for students who may have financial need, one award will be granted to a student majoring in Finance or Accounting and the second to a student who is female and/or a member of a visible minority group. To be considered for the awards please submit a letter outlining your interest in the creative arts, your program of study, and whether you identify as a visible minority. DHX Media is a Canadian media production, distribution and broadcasting company, which was established in 2006. A key player internationally in the creation of content for children and families, the company is the largest independent owner of children’s television programming in the industry.
The Fred C. Manning School of Business Advisory Board Impact Award ($5,000)
This award is available to business students in any year. Students may apply or be nominated for the award. This award is given to a student who has had significant impact on the FC Manning School of Business. Impact can be defined as social, academic, cultural, or environmental impact on the wellbeing of the school.
Doing Business Abroad Award (up to $5,000 for travel costs, plus course tuition)
This award is available to business students in their third or fourth year, enrolled in the course: Doing Business Abroad, BUSI 3783. Students may apply or be nominated for the award. This award is given to a student who has a demonstrated interest in world economies, global business practices and work environments in a range of cultural contexts including societal and business norms in countries other than Canada.
Acadia University Business Co-op Student of the Year Award
Established by Matthew Balsor (’11) to recognize the dedication and commitment to personal and professional growth through participation in the business co-op program. Awarded annually at the Acadia Business Banquet, the recipient will be enrolled in the Business Co-op Program at Acadia University and will have successfully completed at least two co-op work terms and will possess a cumulative GPA of at least 3.33.
The Frank H. Sobey Awards for Excellence in Business Studies
The Frank H. Sobey Awards for Excellence in Business Studies began in 1989 to support the development of future business leaders and business programs in Atlantic Canadian Universities. Nine awards of $30,000 are offered to full-time undergraduate students of Business Studies in universities in the Atlantic Provinces. (award website)
The Raymond W. Ferguson Bursary (approximate value: $1400)
Provided by Mr. Ferguson (Acadia, 1946) as an annual award given to a Nova Scotian entering the third or fourth year of study in the Bachelor of Business Administration program on the recommendation of the Director of that School. The bursary is to be given on the evidence of financial need. The candidate should demonstrate good academic ability and possess those qualities of sound character and initiative which indicate potential leadership in the business world.
Fidelity Investments Scholar-Bursary (approximate value: $2000)
Established in 2014 by Fidelity Investments. To be awarded to a full-time student in the F.C. Manning School of Business in recognition of academic achievement, campus leadership, and financial need
The Marjorie Manning Fountain Scholar-Bursary (approximate value: $5100)
To be awarded annually for study in The Fred C. Manning School of Business Administration to a student who has been a resident of the Atlantic Provinces of Canada for a period of ten years or more. The award could be made for study in any year and could be renewed at the discretion of the Scholarship Committee.
The David and Ruth Anne (Morse) Nicholson Bursary (approximate value: $8400)
Established in 2020 by alumni David and Ruth Anne (Morse) Nicholson, this bursary is available to students majoring in Biology, Business, or Chemistry in recognition of financial need. The bursary will be granted to a student in the Faculty of Pure and Applied Science and the F.C. Manning School of Business in alternating years. Each bursary will be valued annually based on investment returns and the recommendation of the Board of Governors’ Investment Committee.
Ruth Anne Morse, daughter of professor Dr. Norman Morse (’40,’42), met David Nicholson at Acadia while she was studying science and he, business. David received a Bachelor of Commerce in 1965 and Ruth Anne a Bachelor of Science in 1966. After their marriage in the Acadia Chapel in 1967, they resided in Ontario, David’s home province, where David continued his studies and qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 1968. Having raised their family and operated a business for thirty years in Ontario, they retired to Nova Scotia in 2000. With her long-standing family ties and their fond memories and appreciation of the unique Acadia environment, Ruth Anne and David wish to give back to the university in the form of this bursary.