Kristin WilliamsDirector, Associate Professor, Management
Charlene BoudreauLecturer, Management
Edith CallaghanProfessor, Management
Paul CallaghanLecturer, Operations Management
Kendra CarmichaelLecturer, Communications
Ashley DoyleAssistant Professor, Accounting
Kelly DyeProfessor, Management
Ian FeltmateAssistant Professor, Accounting
Jim GrantProfessor, Management
Wenxia GuoProfessor, Marketing
Harish KapoorProfessor, Marketing
Shelley MacDougallProfessor Emeritus, Finance
Stephen MacLeanAssistant Professor, Finance
Ryan MacNeilAssociate Professor, Entrepreneurship
Shelley PriceAssociate Professor, Management
Hassan SarhadiAssociate Professor, MIS
Donna SearsAssociate Professor, Marketing
Igor SemenenkoProfessor, Finance
Michael SheppardAssociate Professor, Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Ryan StackAssistant Professor, Accounting
Conor VibertProfessor, Management
Yinglei WangProfessor, MIS
Terrance WeatherbeeProfessor, Management
Roger WehrellAdjunct Professor, Management
Kent WilliamsAssistant Professor, Impact & Leadership Studies
Jun YangProfessor, Finance
Matthew BalsorCareer and Experiential Learning Coordinator, Business
Jonathan CampbellAdministrative Assistant/Student Co-ordinator, Staff
Chelsea HanounCoordinator, Exchange and Study Abroad
Deborah HemmingLiaison Librarian for Business and Economics
Leanna McDonaldAdministrative Assistant